GMAM ex SAR no: 4079 Beyer Peacock, Manchester 7677/1956

GMAM ex SAR no: 4088 Beyer Peacock, Manchester 7754/1956

GMAM ex SAR no: 4114 North British, Glasgow 27772/1957

South African Railways Class 16CR 4-6-2 ex SAR no: 821 North British, Glasgow 21717/1919

South African Railways Class 15F 4-8-2
15F ex SAR no: 2910 Henschel 23933/1938

15F ex SAR no: 3052 North British 25591/1946 - "Avril"

South African Railways Class 15CB 4-8-2
South African Railways Class 14R 4-8-2.
ex SAR no: 2071 Baldwin, USA 58717/1926

ex SAR no: 1745 Robert Stephenson 3644/1915

South African Railways Class 10CR 4-6-2.
ex SAR no: 771 North British 19199/1910

South African Railways Class 19D 4-8-2
19D ex SAR no: 2654 Krupp 1834/1938

19D ex SAR no: 2734 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7360/1948

19D ex SAR no: 2769 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7282/1947

19D ex SAR no: 3369 North British 26089/1948

South African Railways Class 25NC 4-8-4.
Harmony Mines Welkom ex Free State Geduld mine (FSG) 4-8-2T
ex SAR no: 3488 North British 27348/1954

Ex FSG number 3 Standard North British Tank North British 25897/1946

Sena Sugar Estates, Marromeu, Mozambique Peckett 0-6-0T


Ex Sena Sugar number 6 Peckett 2141/1954

Ex Sena Sugar number 7 Peckett 2165/1958

Union Steel Corporation 0-4-0ST
Douglas Colliery 0-6-0T
Ex USCO number 3 "Klein Ben" (Little Ben) Peckett 1731/1927

Ex Douglas Colliery number 3 North British 19790/1912

Ex Douglas Colliery Barclay 976/1903

Diesel Locomotives
Zimbabwe Railways DE2 Diesel Electric
ex NRZ number 1207 English Electric 2238/1955

Harmony Mines Welkom ex Free State Geduld mine (FSG) 204 hp 0-6-0DM
Ex FSG number 9 Hunslet 4029/1950

Kynoch Feeds Kimberley 9 ton 4WDH
Bessinger 124/1976

Service Vehicles
Wickham 9 man Type 40 Mark 2 Inspection Car Ex SAR number RT1717 Wickham 10444/1970

Narrow Gauge 2'6" Steam Locomotives
South African Railways Class NG4 4-6-2T
Ex SAR number NG16 Kerr Stuart 1344/1913

South African Railways Class NG15 2-8-2

Ex SAR number NG17 Henschel 21905/1931

Ex SAR number NG19 Henschel 21907/1931

South African Railways Class NGG13 & NGG16 2-6-2+2-6-2
ex SAR NGG16 number 113 Beyer Peacock 6923/1939

ex SAR NGG13 number 49 Hanomag 10599/1928

ex SAR NGG16 number 85 Cockerill 3265/1937

ex SAR NGG16 number 86 Cockerill 3266/1937

ex SAR NGG16 number 88 Cockerill 3268/1937

ex SAR NGG16 number 110 Beyer Peacock 6920/1939

ex SAR NGG16 number 112 Beyer Peacock 6922/1939

ex SAR NGG16 number 128 Beyer Peacock 7429/1951

ex SAR NGG16 number 153 Hunslet Taylor 3898/1968

ex SAR NGG16 number 155 Hunslet Taylor 3900/1968

South African Railways Class NG10 4-6-2 Ex SAR number 61 Baldwin 42633/1915

South African Railways Class NG6 4-4-0 "Lawley" Ex SAR number 106 Falcon 233/1895

Ex Dombe Grande Sugar Estates, Angola 0-4-0T "Bathala" Decauville 302/1899

Ex Bom Jesus Sugar Estates, Angola 0-4-2T "Gazengo" Arn. Jung 847/1905

Ex Companhia do Assucar de Angola Orenstein & Koppel (O&K) 0-6-0T
Ex Companhia do Assucar de Angola Orenstein & Koppel (O&K) 0-4-0T (500mm gauge)

Ex West Rand Consolidated Mines 0-4-0WT Orenstein & Koppel 4102/1910

Ex Huletts Sugar 0-4-0WT Orenstein & Koppel 2510/1907

Ex Sena Sugar, Marromeu Peckett 0-6-0ST

Ex Sena Sugar number 11 Peckett 2143/1953

Ex Sena Sugar number 13 Peckett 2144/1953

Ex Sena Sugar number 14 Peckett 2161/1957

Ex Sena Sugar Estates, Marromeu, Number 2 "Feldbahn" 0-8-0TT Henschel 13779/1915

Illovo Sugar Estates Number ISE 3 0-4-2PT Kerr Stuart 4063/1924

Sundays River Irrigation Board "Little Bess" 0-4-0ST Kerr Stuart 4031/1919

Ex Sezela Sugar Estates, Sezela number 3, 0-4-0T Avonside Engineering 1936/1924

Ex Huletts, Amatikulu Sugar Estate, 0-4-0T Avonside Engineering 1994/1928

Ex Huletts, Mount Edgecombe Sugar Estate, 0-4-2T "Sandy" John Fowler 14316/1914

Ex Tongaat Sugar, Maidstone Estate, 0-4-2T, "Egolomi" Barclay 1459/1916

Ex Ratanga Junction/Century City number 262 2-6-2 James Brown Ltd of Durban 1948

Diesel Locomotives Whilst the majority of the Sandstone loco collection is steam, a number of diesel units have been acquired. In the 2ft arena these are shunting locomotives which also have their place in the rail history of southern Africa where the replacement of steam traction began as much as 50 years or more ago.
Ex Doornkop Sugar Co. (Pty) Ltd, Doornkop Estate number 4, 0-6-0DH Hunslet Taylor 6355/1964

Funkey 4WDH Underground locomotive

Ex Rustenburg Platinum Mines Bagnall 204hp 0-6-0DM Number 9 Bagnall 3124/1957 Number 10 Bagnall 3125/1957 Number 11 Bagnall 3204/1961

Ex Sena Sugar Estates Baguley- Drewry 0-6-0DM Number D6 Baguley- Drewry 3721/1976 Number D7 Baguley- Drewry 3725/1976 Number D8 Baguley- Drewry 3722/1976 Number D10 Baguley- Drewry 3748/1976 Number D11 Baguley- Drewry 3798/1976

Ex Pongola Sugar Estate 6WDH (2'6" gauge) Funkey 1313.1/1976 6WDH 18 ton Umfolozi number 24-01 "Nhlathu" Hunslet Taylor 8188/1977 6WDH SD110 Umfolozi number 24-07 "Mamba"

Narrow Gauge Service Vehicles
Wickham Type 27 Mark 3 Open Inspection Car/Gangers Trolley Wickham 9234/1962

Ex SWA Motor Trolley fitted with 1913 BSA Car Body
