HTN 198 - South Africa agrees to participate in Irish World Record Attempt

 On 5th August 2007 Ireland will be hosting another attempt at the World Record for vintage and classic tractors. Modelled on the original World Record attempt held at Sandstone Estates in 1999, this event will attempt to exceed the number of tractors deployed by the United Kingdom last year.
There is some confusion relating to the definition of what is a participating machine, and the Irish have therefore agreed that a cut-off date of 1976 will be enforced.
Within this definition the Irish would need to field 1004 tractors pre 1976 in order to take the World Record. 

The debate over what constitutes a viable World Record will undoubtedly continue but John Hanlon, who initiated the event, and his excellent and well motivated group of event organisers are adamant that they intend to stick to the rules and make this a genuine heritage event rather than just an attempt to get as many tractors of whatever age they can into one field at one time.

The Sandstone Heritage Trust response to this is very positive. A number of tractors have already been shipped. Two of these, the Emerson Brantingham Big 4-20 and the General Ordnance (GO) tractor, both participated in the Australian World Record attempt at Cootamundra and will effectively fly the flag for South Africa . A Field Marshall Series III, a Hart Parr 18-36, and a Marshall 18-30 complete the line-up of machines that will potentially participate in the event.

We call upon all men and women of goodwill within the vintage tractor movement worldwide to support the Irish attempt and if possible to be there in person, and even better still to take your tractor with you.
For further details contact:
Sunday 05 August
Cooley Show
County Louth, Republic of Ireland.
Guinness world record attempt - Irish Vintage Tractor Working Challenge.
The Holiday Company, Manchester, Tel: 08454 303 404.
Weekend trip (Sat & Sun two nights) Carrickdale Hotel and Leisure Complex.
Contact The Secretary, Rob Rushen-Smith. Tel or Fax: 01394 275120
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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