2ft Narrow Gauge

NGG16A heads towards the finish line.

With its first steaming expected by the end of May, the return to service of NGG16A number 155 is well on track. Recently we received the various plates, including the number plates, for the locomotive which will be fitted shortly. The number plate shows Alfred County Railway as it was this operator who classified number 155 as NGG16A after its extensive modifications in 1990.

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The Top 10 Consists.

With the running of trains at Sandstone seriously limited by Covid 19 we thought our readers would enjoy some pictures of the varied consists we can assemble at Sandstone. Our gallery shows NGG16s numbers 88 (in green livery) and 153 hauling a variety of loads. All photography by Rod Hering.

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A spectacular repaint for NGG16A number 155.

As the final mechanical work proceeds on 155 the locomotive has been sprayed in the colour, Mexican Red, which Shaun McMahon, who was at ACR and involved in the conversion of 155, has advised is the correct colour. The locomotive was prepared for spray painting by David Mpholo at Sandstone and sprayed initially in grey primer. For the final coat, Janki Palmer took over and our pictures show the spectacular and exciting finish on the loco. Some mechanical work, mainly piping, is ongoing.


Our gallery shows 155 in primer and then the finished article with Janki Palmer inspecting his work. The paint work below the running plate is still to be completed.

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Steaming into 2021

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As many of our readers know, NGG13 number 59 is at the Hempstead and Northern Rail Road in Texas where Robert Bucher set up the railway after visiting South Africa many times in the 1980s and documenting the narrow gauge, particularly Estcourt to Weenen.

Number 59 has been fitted with a most impressive USA style whistle, Garratt Bucher says it is a Chinese 6" 5 chime and is  99% sure it is a copy of an American whistle made by the Star Brass Company. 

It certainly makes a glorious sound as this short video of number 59 is steam shows. Enjoy!


Some updates to the NG10

NG10 number 61 has seen limited use since Stars of Sandstone 2019 but had developed a couple of teething problems, namely a leaking regulator gland in the cab and a sticking vacuum brake cylinder on the tender. As there was little urgency on this other projects were pursued, however, the locomotive was scheduled for a wedding train in December so both items were attended to. Our picture gallery shows number 61 on test and in the loco depot awaiting the call of duty. The loco had  to be stood down as the client doubled the size of the wedding party and the consequent weight of the train meant that NGG16 number 153 had to be substituted. Nevertheless the NG10 now waits her next call of duty.

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A number plate for NG16a number 155

NG16a number155

Railway Preservation, what will 2021 bring?

Railway Preservation

A recent post on this web site on November 4th 2020 reflected on a 1997 document, “Where to private rail use in SA?”, that discussed the potential private rail use in South Africa and was effectively the launch template for Sandstone’s original rail industry plans for commercial and tourism operations which, as we know, were not realised. However this  ultimately led to the development of the2ft gauge Sandstone Steam Railway that is now world famous. Wilfred Mole, the driving force behind the railway, now reflects on the position of the 2ft gauge Sandstone Steam Railway in the larger picture of Railway Preservation in South Africa today. Click here to read more

Steam Festivals in 2021

Steam Festival2020

As well as our Summer Steam Festival in February 2021 we shall be holding an Easter Steam Festival from the 2ndto the 5th April 2021. Come and join us for some steamy fun!
Full details are on the PDF

NGG16A number 155 under restoration. Update number 11. November 2020.

Work continues on number 155 with the fitment of the ex 3’6’ gauge GMA/M mechanical lubricator. Our pictures show the lubricator in position and the external operating linkage awaiting connection. Good progress is being made towards a steam test early in 2021.

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NGG16A number 155 under restoration. Update number 10. October 2020.

Work has continued on NGG16A since our last report with the cab fittings installed and the water tank fitted to the front engine unit. The chimney has also been fitted as number 155 begins to look like a full locomotive. Our photo gallery shows the work to date. No definite date has been set for the completion of 155 but early in 2021 is looking likely.

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A new book on the Port Elizabeth to Avontuur 2ft Narrow Gauge

New Book

A new book on the Port Elizabeth to Avontuur 2ft narrow gauge line will be published in October. The book is the first to be taken from the material published on the excellent Soul Of A Railway website hosted by Charlie Lewis and Les Pivnic. The book is co-authored by the late David Payling who visited Sandstone many times over the last few years.

Click here to read more

NGG16A number 155 under restoration. Update number 9. July 2020

After the return of the boiler from Wonder Steam in Pretoria the locomotive has been re assembled with the boiler unit placed on to the  modified engine units, originally from NGG16A number 141. Work has begun on the boiler cladding and making up patterns for the numerous pipes and fitting required for the locomotive. Our pictures show the initial cladding in place as well as the backhead of the boiler and the steam generator.

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NGG13 number 50 in Texas.

Garratt Bucher and his father, Robert, are good friends of Sandstone sharing a South African 2ft narrow gauge interest with NGG13 number 50 based at the Hempstead and Northern railroad in Texas along with NG15 number 18. Recently the front tank has been replaced on number 50 which brought to life a number of parts from other numbers in the NGG13/16 family. It is common knowledge that South African Railways swapped parts between locos but we did not expect Garratt to discover a piece of our own number 49 in the USA! Our picture shows this part which is from the sanding system as well a large axle nut from our NGG16 number 113. The part marked TC10 is from Tsumeb Corporation NGG16 number 10 which became SAR 141. Now modified to NGG16A configuration, number 141 is stored at Sandstone for a private collector.

Our pictures show the wandering parts as well as number 50 resplendent with her new front tank.

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NGG16A number 155 under restoration. Update number 8. June 2020

155’s boiler returns to Sandstone.

The rebuilt boiler of NGG16A 155 has now arrived at Sandstone following its rebuild at Wonder Steam in Pretoria. This was done  with an official permit as railway maintenance departments were declared as essential services by the Minister on the 4th of May 2020 meaning we could collect the boiler as it is part of maintenance. This also means that we can now continue with the restoration at Sandstone.

The photo of the boiler plate show that the boiler of 155 is its original from its construction at Hunslet-Taylor in Johannesburg in 1968 although the boiler itself was actually constructed at Leeds in the UK.

Our other photos shows 155 off loaded and stabled in the loco depot prior to work beginning on uniting the boiler with the rebuilt engine units.

Boiler plate

NGG16A number 155 under restoration. Update number 7. May 2020

 NGG16A 155

Stop Press! 

155’s boiler is completed at Wonder Steam and loaded for the return to Sandstone.

The rebuilt boiler of NGG16A 155 has now been loaded at Wonder Steam in Pretoria for return to Sandstone. This was done  with an official permit as railway maintenance departments were declared as essential services by the Minister on the 4th of May 2020 meaning we could obtain a permit to collect the boiler as it is part of maintenance. This also means that we can now continue with the restoration at Sandstone.

The attached photo shows 155 being loaded and the PDF, a copy of the Government Gazette relating to Railway Maintenance. - Read more here